Areas of Specialty


In every dispute, each party believes that (s)he is in the right.  This includes workplace disputes.  What actually occurs is that the parties do not communicate, or there are barriers keeping the parties from communicating.  In some cases, the employer does not know how to address an issue between two employees who the employer cannot afford to terminate.  In some cases, a manager or supervisor is having problems with an employee, or the employee is having problems with a supervisor "respecting me." The same is true of a dispute in an organization or club where 2 members just simply don't get along.  Both members are good people.  They simply argue and/or attack each other in meetings or functions.  The underlying problem is communication.  In mediation, we strive to get the parties talking to one another. To request mediation services, contact us. Other resources in Kitsap County include Dispute Resolution Center of Kitsap County

Fact Finding

Fact Finding is where we perform workplace investigations for employers.  We investigate harassment allegations, certain workplace incidents, hostile work environment (HWE), and discrimination allegations; including Federal Sector EEO complaints.

Why utilize an outside firm?   Many companies are small and/or do not have sufficient resources to investigate.  There may be perceptions of bias amongst the HR staff or management.  Parties believe that any investigation done in house is littered with conflict of interest, bias and prejudice. will be swept under the carpet. 

Our practice is limited to employment law.  Our ADR Specialist is a certified Federal EEO investigator through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  He has over 12 years experience in public sector labor and employee relations, and 7 years experience in private sector employee relations.  For more information, please contact us.


Arbitration is where our specialist agrees to hear specific cases and then render an impartial decision which is binding on all parties and is considered confidential.  The decision cannot be published or cited as precedent.  Generally; arbitration decisions are not subject to judicial review. 

Why arbitration?  First, arbitration is less costly than traditional litigation in court.  Second, arbitration hearings are quicker to schedule than trial.  Third, court decisins are public record.  As previously noted, most arbitration decisions are not public.”  To request arbitration, please contact us.  In addition to our specialist, you may consider contacting arbitration groups such as the American Arbitration Association.

Blind Work Incentives under Social Security Act

Our specialist has been in the blindness movement since 1985.  He has not only worked as a claims representative for 16 and  1/2 years at Social Security Administration (SSA), he has been a beneficiary of both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).  

If you have questions about work incentives for blind persons or initial disability claims for blindness, contact us. please note, the information we provide will be taken directly from SSA publications as well as SSA's own Program Operations Manual System (POMS). 

For more specific case details, we will ask that you provide some claim information and sign a consent for disclosure.  We will then contact SSA to obtain infomration about your case in order to assist you.